Is this game affiliated with the FBI?
No. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is not affiliated, associated with, nor has it sponsored the How Much Do You Really Know?® card game. The FBI has not licensed any of its intellectual property to the creators or advertisers of the How Much Do You Really Know?® card game. The FBI is not connected with the production, exhibition, distribution, sale, licensing, marketing, advertising, or promotion of the How Much Do You Really Know® card game. The views and opinions expressed in this game are those of the creators and are based on their own knowledge of the FBI, applicable laws, and regulations. This game has been released pursuant to
FBI protocols, but the FBI has not reviewed nor endorsed this game or its contents.
What is the age range for this game?
How Much Do You Really Know?® is designed for players ages 13 and over and can be played with the entire family.
Can I play this game if I am not a current or former FBI employee?
Yes! Anyone with an interest in the FBI can play. Furthermore, you do not need any prior knowledge of the FBI in order to play. How Much Do You Really Know?® also includes FBI references in books, TV, and movies. It is our hope that everyone will learn something about the FBI by playing this game.
Are the cases referenced in this game real investigations?
Yes! All of the cases referenced in How Much Do You Really Know?® are actual cases investigated by the FBI. Additional information on the cases can be obtained on the FBI’s website and online.
Where can I buy a copy of How Much Do You Really Know?™
Where are you located?
I’m in the DMV (D.C., Maryland, and Virginia), can I pick up my game?
I’m interested in making a bulk purchase, who do I contact?
I want to become an FBI employee. How can buying this game help me?
Currently, there are two locations in Washington, D.C. where you can purchase our game. The FBI RA Store at FBI Headquarters and the National Law Enforcement Museum store. We are currently working on additional options.
We are located 15 minutes outside of Washington, D.C., in College Park, Maryland.
Unfortunately, we do not have a retail location for picking up local orders. However, you can pick up a game at the National Law Enforcement Museum store, 444 E. Street NW, Washington, D.C. Visit their website, nleomf.org, for hours of operation. The White House Gifts at 701 15th St NW, Washington, DC.
We are happy to help. Send us an email to Sales@HMDYRKcardgame.com and we will respond within 48 hours.
This game cannot help you join the FBI. You must meet the FBI’s qualifications in order to be hired by the Bureau. Check out the FBI’s jobs website for additional information.